POSTPONED: PSAT (Today is a regular A-Day)

Campus Events


Mark Your Calendar! Due to a technical issue, PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10/11 NMSQT will take place on Tuesday, 10/24/2023. Wednesday is now scheduled as a regular A-Day.

Bell Schedule

All 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will take the PSAT exam during the school day.

9:05 - 12:30 PSAT
12:30 - 1:15 LUNCH
1:20 - 2:05 Period 5
2:10 - 2:55 Period 6
3:00 - 3:45 Period 7
3:50 - 4:35 Period 8

Test Information

  • All 9th graders will take the PSAT 8/9 on Wednesday, 10/11/23

  • All 10th and 11th graders will take the PSAT 10/11 NMSQT on Wednesday, 10/11/23

  • Students are automatically registered for the exam and the fee is covered by the school.

  • This Fall, the PSAT will be administered in a new digital format that will provide an overall and easier testing experience for students.

    • Students will test on their school issued Chromebook

    • Students are required to bring their fully charged Chromebook

    • Shorter testing experience (about 2 hours of actual testing time)

    • Faster score delivery

    • Calculators are allowed on the entire Math section (calculators are embedded in the testing application). Students can bring their own College Board approved calculator.

  • For more information about digital testing and what to expect, click on the links below.

Questions?  Email 

Student Presentation


PSAT poster