Parking on the Austin High Campus is by permit only. Students requesting parking permits must possess a valid driver’s license and have proof of insurance for any vehicle to be permitted. Only one parking permit in the form of a hang tag will be issued per student per school year. A permit is not a guarantee of an available parking spot on any given day. Daily parking is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
AHS Student Parking Permit Application 2024-2025
The cost of each permit hang tag is $45.
For additional information about student parking permits, contact:
Linda Garcia
Administrative and Management Assistant to Principal Dr. Melvin Bedford / Austin HS Facility Manager
Direct Office: 512-414-2505 Ext. 71561
Located in the 2nd floor administration office
If someone is parked in my reserved spot?
- Take a picture of the license plate and parking permit hang tag.
- Park your vehicle in a visitor parking spot.
- Email pictures to
- Security will place a sticker on the vehicle that is parked in your reserved spot.
Ms. Garcia will contact the security team and share information to begin an investigation as to who is parked in your reserved spot. Security will keep a log of the license plate of repeat offenders and report those students to their administrators.
When the security team is able to locate the person, they will ask them to move their vehicle and will notify you that your spot is clear.
Students may NOT loan out hang tags. Hang tags are assigned to the student and vehicle(s) identified on the driver’s license and proof of insurance. Students must display hang tags on their rear-view mirrors whenever parked in a designated area. Failure to do so may result in a $25 parking violation. Students should lock vehicle doors. Lost, stolen, or misplaced permits will NOT be replaced.
Permit holders have a responsibility to drive slowly in and around campus, follow all traffic laws and posted signs, and to follow all school rules. Underclassmen who leave campus for lunch (in violation of District policy) may have their permits revoked. Seniors who take underclassmen off campus at lunch may also lose their parking permits.
Permit holders are responsible for reviewing and accepting responsibility for parking in the appropriate designated areas. Failure to do so (or failure to display the permit properly) may result in a $25 ticket from the school or from the City of Austin. Tickets received from the City of Austin must be handled through the City of Austin. The school does not have any jurisdiction in such instances.
All students with permits may park in the east student lot. The lot near the tennis courts is for seniors only. Permitted vehicles may also park on Stephen F. Austin Drive. This road begins at the intersection with Cesar Chavez and ends across from the first entrance to the tennis courts. The road from the tennis courts up to Lake Austin Blvd is Veterans Drive. The City will ticket anyone parking on Veterans Drive who hasn’t paid the meter. Permits are not valid on Veterans Drive.
Please review the STUDENT PARKING MAP. If you park without a permit displayed or in an incorrect area, you are responsible for paying any ticket received. Repeated violations may result in a vehicle being immobilized (booted) or towed. Violations received from the City of Austin have instructions on the violation notice. If you have any questions, see Ms. Linda Garcia in the 2nd floor administration office.
DISCLAIMER: Senior Reserved parking privileges are granted on a conditional basis and may be revoked at the discretion of school administration due to attendance, behavior, or disciplinary infractions.

- Here is the information regarding contesting these citations, which can be found on the Court’s website HERE.
- All have the option to send their testimony and proof of a current/valid permit to (referencing the license plate of the vehicle and citation number), or they may fill out the questionnaire for a hearing from the above link, which gives the option to upload a photo, with which they can present their proof of permit.
- All requests for hearings or calls to contest will be routed to our associate hearing officers, which will review the cases on a first come, first-serve basis.