504 Coordinator | Aramis Lopez | 512-414-2505 ext. 71673 |
AVID Site Coordinator | Anastasia Eckhart | 512-414-2505 ext. 71596 |
AVID Educator | Jessica Thompson | 512-414-2505 ext. 71669 |
DELTA | Thomas Norris | 512-414-2505 ext. 71586 |
DELTA | Curtis Jones | 512-414-2505 ext. |
Emergent Bilingual |
Charlsie Johnson | 512-414-2505 ext. 71549 |
G/T | Tanya Mast | 512-414-2505 ext. 71533 |
MAPS | 512-414-2505 ext. | |
SPED Department Chair | John Dagar | 512-414-2505 ext. 71566 |
SPED contact | Dr. Jonathan Purser | 512-414-2505 ext. 71601 |
Section 504 is a support system ensuring equal educational opportunity for all students, which is mainly accomplished by providing appropriate classroom accommodations to eligible students.
Section 504 Process
- Parents or a staff member contact the Section 504 Coordinator and/or administrator
- A 504 Committee convenes
- determines if the student has an impairment that substantially limits that child in one more major life activities.
- creates an Individual Accommodation Plan
- 504 IAP is shared with staff
- Meetings are convened at least every 3 years to re-evaluate the need for accommodations.
- Students’ accommodation plans are renewed annually through a meeting or communication between the 504 Coordinator, teachers, parent, and/or student.
Dyslexia-Specific Support
- AHS Dyslexia Support Website - includes resources, strategies, and specific AHS supports
- AISD Dyslexia Support Website
- TEA Dyslexia Handbook
Curated Resources for Students and Families:
- Android Apps for Learners with Dyslexia/Reading and Writing Difficulties
- Chromebook Apps and Extensions for Learners with Dyslexia/Reading and Writing Difficulties
- Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs
- Chromebook Accessibility and Learning Tools
- Texas State Library and Archives Commission Talking Book Program
Requesting Accommodations on College Entrance Exams and AP Exams
- You must have a current 504 plan at Austin High to request accommodations on college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT, and College Board AP exams.
- Contact your counselor via email to request accommodations. The counselor will request accommodations on your behalf.
- Requests must be made at least 8 weeks prior to the scheduled test date. The coordinator is NOT available during summer months.
Additional Information about 504 Services on Standardized Exams
- STAAR/EOC: TEA Accommodation Webpage
- SAT: The College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities
- ACT: Test Accommodations Services for Examinees
- When registering online, indicate in the registration process that you need testing accommodations. The ACT will send you an e-mail with steps to follow to be approved for accommodations. This e-mail will include a unique ACT ID#. Forward that e-mail to the 504 coordinator for processing.
- The ACT requires current medical documentation or a neuropsychological evaluation from the past 3 years to prove eligibility for testing accommodations.
Additional Information
- AISD Section 504 Information and Parent Brochure
- TEA Section 504 Webpage
- U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Right
AVID is a national program providing scaffolded support to encourage college and career readiness and success by participating students.
Additional Information
Twilight (4:30pm - 7:30pm): After school credit recovery program.
Saturday School (8am - 12pm)
Talk with your counselor for additional information
Our Emergent Bilingual (EB) program offers learning support strategies in English classes for students that have been identified as LEP (Limited English Proficiency). Students are identified after they complete a Home Language Survey when registering as a new student with the district. If any language other than English is indicated on the form, then that student is given an Oral Language Proficiency Test and the reading portion of the ITBS test. After these tests are completed, an LPAC (Language Proficiency Assessment Committee) meeting is held to determine the level of intervention a student will receive. At the high school level, the majority of these interventions are provided in the student’s English course where the teacher is ESL (English as a Second Language) certified and trained to provide instructional strategies to help students acquire proficient use of the English language. This designation also allows EBs to receive accommodations that help to support their learning in all subjects.
Additional Resources:
Gifted and Talented (GT) services at AHS
- Instruction by a teacher with the appropriate GT Foundations training and any required specialized training in the following options: Advanced Courses, Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, and Advanced-level CTE courses. Enrichment activities also support include opportunities that provide depth and complexity through exploration, extension, or elaboration.
- Extracurricular activities and organized events include opportunities outside of the traditional school day such as clubs, competitions, contests, mentorships, and internships. Campuses select which activities to offer.
More information about the AISD GT program is available on the AISD Gifted and Talented website, including a list of resources for families.
Nomination Information:
Parents, guardians, and teachers can nominate students for the GT Assessment Process during the GT Nomination Window in September.
- Parents: Please complete this Parent Nomination Form and Parent Observation Checklist, then email it to isabelle.salazar@austinisd.org or drop the form off to Ms. Estrada in the 2nd floor office.
- Teachers: Please complete this Teacher Nomination Form to nominate a student for GT services. Teachers interested in nominating their student for the Austin ISD gifted and talented program should watch for a combination of the following characteristics in one or more of the core academic areas (Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies).
Additional Information:
Methods for Academic and Personal Success is an innovative program for incoming freshman created at Austin High that has transformed into a nationally-recognized support system for support students.
The course helps reduce freshman class failures, as well as improves attendance and attitudes toward school for many students making the transition from middle to high school.
This video (link to HD version) was produced at Austin High School and features Keeth Matheny, who provides an overview of the course and the impact on student success.
MAPS around the Internet
- TEA Innovative Course Approval
- National Dropout Prevention Center website
- AISD SEL newsletter
- School-Connect Program website
- Southern Regional Education Board (pg. 7)
- Committees for Children
Special Education (SPED) is a support service that is provided for eligible students who have Individual Education Plan (IEP).
- Students are identified through an ARD committee.
- Each student has an annual ARD once a year to review and update their IEP for accommodations and appropriate class placement.
Additional Information: